Sera Discus ImmunPro Nature 250ml

SKU: 072702

Sera Discus ImmunPro Nature is the pigment and preservative-free growth food consisting of soft grains for all discus fish. The balanced composition includes mineral-rich Krill, astaxanthin enhancing color from Haematococcus algae and the probiotic Bacillus subtilis, recommended by EFSA (European Food Safety Authority), for use in ornamental fish foods to support growth and food use. Optimized food use sustainably supports the fast, balanced growth of fish and reduces water pollution. The intestinal flora stabilizer further strengthens the animal's immune system and ensures that pathogens that cause diseases are prevented.  ...More

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This product belongs to the "sera Nature" product line, which does not require dyes or preservatives. A varied diet with ingredients close to nature is the best protection against deficiencies and supports the health and vitality of the fish. Nature food types therefore contain natural ingredients such as Spirulina, Krill or sustainable insect flour from Hermetia larvae. The seals on the front of the package emphasize these ingredients and their quantities in the food.


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