Seachem Reef Iodide 100 ml

SKU: 007225

Iodide is an important element required by invertebrates and many soft corals (gorgonians, sarcophytons, etc). Reef Iodide™ is a concentrated (8,000 mg/L) stabilized potassium iodide source for reef aquaria that will restore and maintain iodide levels to those found in natural sea water. It is formulated to provide a safe source of iodide that will not convert to toxic free iodine under storage or reef conditions. Iodine is as toxic as chlorine and should never be used in a reef system. However, iodide is as safe as chloride.  ...More

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Add 5 mL (1 capful) for each 200 L (US 50 gallons) every other day.
Add 1 mL for each 80 L (20 US gallons) daily to raise iodide by 0.10 mg/L. If necessary, adjust amount so that iodide reads 0.06–0.08 mg/L 6–12 hours after the last amount. Thereafter, use this amount daily and check iodide twice a month.
After determining the iodide consumption rate, set up a continuous drip system. Use the following formula (or skip the math and use our Dosage Calculator) to determine how much to add to your top-off water: m=0.125vi (m=mL of product to add to top off water, v=volume of tank in liters, i=amount to raise iodide in mg/L). For example, if you want to raise iodide by 0.10 mg/L in a 200 liter tank, then you would add 0.125x200x0.10=2.5 mL into the top-off water. [For reference: 1 gallon=3.8 L].


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