Dennerle Plant Care Pro Daily

SKU: 073091

In principle, an aquarium fertilizer can be added daily or at longer intervals as a so-called shock fertilization, e.g. weekly. In the case of surge fertilization, the plant nutrients are dosed in stock, in the case of daily fertilization, only as many nutrients are added as the plants consume per day. In Plant Care Pro Daily, the nutrients are not chelated or only slightly chelated. The advantage of this is that the plant can absorb them quickly. Maintaining an aquarium with daily fertilization also corresponds to the conditions in the wild. Here the plants are also supplied daily with only small amounts of nutrients, but constantly, e.g. through nutrient seepage sources.  ...More

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Plant Care Pro Daily is particularly suitable for nano aquariums, as the fertilizer can be dosed very precisely thanks to the practical dropper bottle (2 drops / 10 L / day). Possible adverse overdosing is thus excluded.


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