Easy Life Easy Carbo 250 ml

SKU: 071356

Carbon (in the form of CO2 dissolved in water) is one of the most important nutrients for optimal plant growth. If there is a lack of carbon, plants are unable to assimilate and grow optimally. As a result of this deficiency, plants stop growing and no longer compete with algae for nutrients. EasyCarbo is the solution to this problem. After about two weeks of using EasyCarbo, the plants grow visibly better and look better. This is especially true for marsh plants (Cryptocoryne sp., Echinodorus sp., etc.). As a result of increased competition for nutrients, algae find it very difficult to survive and, in most cases, disappear completely.  ...More

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Tips for use
Aquarium with only a few plants: 1 ml per 100 liters per day
Aquarium medium plantation: 1 ml per 50 liters per day
Aquarium with large plantation: 1 ml per 25 liters per day


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