Dennerle Deponit Mix Professional 9in1 4.8kg (4596)

SKU: 008398

Long-term nutrient substrate for aquariums. Concentrated nutrient iron in storage provides rich green leaves. High quality quartz sand creates the optimal climate of the substrate. The selected clay ores regulate the balance of nutrients: they release nutrients when needed and absorb them when there is a surplus. Rich in peat juices provides a slightly acidic substrate environment with optimal pH. Guaranteed safety for all plants, fish, shrimp, crayfish, snails and other aquarium inhabitants. The highly porous special granules make the substrate an active bio-filter: For improved water quality and healthier fish. White, biodegradable pearls act as a nutrient medium for important humic bacteria and increase the fertility of the substrate. Of course DeponitMix does not contain additional phosphates and nitrates.  ...More

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For aquarium 100-140 lt, 80 cm


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