BOYD Chemi Pure Elite 333gr

SKU: 072940

Chemi-pure Elite contains GFO (Granular Ferric Oxide) to remove phosphates and silicates from the aquatic body of the aquarium. GFO has proven to be one of the top options for removing and controlling any phosphate and / or silicate levels in your aquarium. Keeps the pH constant and constant. Reduces fish loss due to changes in pH or contaminated water. Provides positive neurological reactions in fish, mimics a natural environment. Helps fish have a better appetite. Eliminates osmotic shock.
Filters copper, metals, odors and phenol. Prevents ion competition.  ...More

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Instructions: Keep the Chemi-pure Elite sealed liquid in the container until ready to use. Rinse the bag with running water for 5 to 10 seconds, place the bags in a high flow area of the crankcase, container filter or HOB filter. Chemi-pure Elite should be replaced approximately every 2-4 months depending on the bio-load. If more than one Elite Chemi-clean filter bag is used, change one at a time each week until all bags have been replaced.


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