Botia Sidthimunki
SKU: 102239
Care Level: Moderate
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Color Form: Black, White
Diet: Omnivore
Water Conditions: 22-30°C, KH 8-12, pH 6.0-7.5
Max. Size: <5cm
Family: Cobitidae
Minimum Tank Size: 130lt
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The Dwarf Chain Loach is a bottom-dweller that originated from the streams in India. Currently due to the low numbers in the wild, they are being farm-raised. The body of this Loach is silver to tan in coloration and, like other loaches, this fish is identified by the four pairs of barbels protruding from the mouth area. The upper half of this fish is decorated with a checker-like pattern of black bars, which give this fish a very interesting look. The Dwarf Chain Loach is sometimes referred to as a scaleless fish; however, they do in fact have small scales that are embedded in their skin. The Dwarf Chain Loach is an active scavenger that is a semi-aggressive fish that enjoys the company of its own species, or other semi-aggressive fish. It will school with others of the same age and size. The Dwarf Chain Loach appreciates caves, holes, and other places to hide, especially when it sleeps. Because it originates from streams, it requires water currents in the aquarium.
The Dwarf Chain Loach requires small amounts of food several times a day. Younger Loaches will eat most prepared foods while older ones may be more finicky. Feed them a varied diet of bloodworms, brine shrimp and a quality flake or pellet food.
The Dwarf Chain Loach requires small amounts of food several times a day. Younger Loaches will eat most prepared foods while older ones may be more finicky. Feed them a varied diet of bloodworms, brine shrimp and a quality flake or pellet food.
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