Aquariumshop.gr update on COVID-19
Dear friends and customers,
we would like to remind you that at Aquariumshop primary goal to us is the protection and security undeniably yours, but also ours.
Following faithfully the new data and measures for the limitation and prevention against spread of the new type of Corona virus "COVID-19" which is affecting all countries worldwide, such as ours unfortunately, we wish to inform you that we have fully complied with the new Regulations on safety and hygiene, and that we actively support all efforts to limit the cases in our country, fully respecting and strictly following the instructions of the World Health Organization (WHO) in order to always be ready to offer you our best and safest services.
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–Physical Store: We continue and are always by your side at your immediate disposal on the days and hours of operation of our physical store, as you have known them for years now. We will be happy to see you in person and to serve you for life, under the absolute guarantee that all the necessary safety and hygiene conditions are met at the same time, whether they concern the continuous cleaning and the frequently repeated disinfection of the space, the facilities, and in general of all our products, either in the use of antiseptics, protective face masks and protective gloves by all members of our staff (a direction towards which we urge you, very much, too), or in keeping the required distances between of people.
-Electronic Store (“e–shop”): We follow and are always by your side at your direct disposal consistently through of our online store that operates 24 hours a day, as you have known for years. We will be happy to serve you through our "e-shop", under the absolute guarantee that here too it would not be possible not to observe all the necessary safety and hygiene conditions. Regarding this we would like to inform you about the following further:
a) Packaging: The persons who take care of the collection and preparation of your orders, are fully informed of all measures and Regulations on health safety and prevention recommended by the Government, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Citizen Protection, and any other Official Body, in full harmony with the checks from the National Public Health Organization (EODY) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Therefore, we assure you that during the packaging process, all our staff members use the prescribed protective face masks, protective gloves and any suitable antiseptic, while the area is understood to be cleaned and disinfected thoroughly and continuously.
< p>b) Deliveries-distributions: All our deliveries-distributions to you within the Attica Region are FREE, regardless of transaction amount and product type. Each distributor makes sure to observe all the prescribed safety, hygiene and prevention measures throughout the course of your parcel. The means of transport are thoroughly and continuously cleaned, just as the distributors use all the prescribed means of personal protection (PPE) against the spread of the virus, keeping the required safety distances with you.
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We, for our part, promise you that we will unceasingly continue our efforts to always be by your side with consistency and professionalism, absolutely respecting your needs and strictly observing all safety and hygiene measures, always with the health and well-being of us all in mind, especially now that due to the current conditions we all need it more than ever.
Safety and your health, as well as ours, is the primary priority of all of us, and we will continue to work tirelessly serving this purpose, and feeling the need to thank you warmly for your support, trust and preference all these years.
With love and respect,
Aquariumshop Team .