Dennerle All for Betta

SKU: 073192

Dennerle All for Betta consists of:
Denerle Betta Water
Dennerle Betta Care
Dennerle Betta Booster  ...More

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The Betta splendens, also known as the Siamese fighting fish, is undoubtedly one of the most fascinating fish in the aquarium hobby. Its vibrant colors and unique demeanor are sure to attract attention. However, due to their aggressive nature, they must be kept alone and cannot be socialized with other fish. Instead, they can be kept with snails and larger shrimp. Native to Southeast Asia, the fighting fish lives in stagnant or slow-flowing waters with dense vegetation. To optimize keeping conditions we recommend a well-planted aquarium with low filter flow and fine, dark gravel. In addition, fighting fish need a low water level to breathe atmospheric air. As a carnivorous species, Betta splendens feeds mainly on insects, larvae, worms, plankton and small crustaceans.


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