Hobby Alder Cones 50pcs
Alder Cones are excellent suppliers of important humics and tannins. Humic substances in the aquarium provide for the growth of plants (they release nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur into the water), for a gentle decrease in the pH value and the water acquires a natural but crystalline color, as many of our aquarium inhabitants prefer in their natural environment. Even for animals not native to such areas, Alder Cones offer additional benefits. Tannins provide the benefit of naturally inhibiting microbes that are harmful to your animals, such as bacteria and fungal spores. Shrimp and various other animals will also frequent Alder Cones to graze, graze, or hide. ...More
1 cone is enough for about 10-20 liters. The cones will sink to the bottom of the aquarium within minutes and begin releasing their active agents soon.
They should be replaced every 2-3 weeks.
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