Hobby Catappa Bark 12pcs.

SKU: 073489

They use Catappa leaves and bark to treat bacterial diseases, as well as to heal fish injuries such as bites or transport wounds. The effect of catappa bark is similar to that of catappa leaves, but much stronger. Humic acid and tanning agents strengthen the mucous membranes of the fish and make it difficult for bacterial pathogens to penetrate this protection. Similarly, pieces of bark favor the reproduction of your fish. You can also condition your fresh water with our pieces of Catappa bark before doing a water change. This helps reduce stress on your fish. By releasing humic acids and tanning agents, catappa bark creates a natural environment and increases the vitality and well-being of your aquarium inhabitants.  ...More

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Usage: Put a piece of bark directly into the aquarium. One piece of Catappa bark is enough for about 100 liters of water. The crust will sink to the bottom of the aquarium in no time. If you need a quick release of the active ingredients, quickly infuse the katapapa bark in warm water. Typically, the active agents in our catappa bark are released into the water over a period of approx. 3 weeks after that, you can introduce a fresh piece into the aquarium. The used piece of catappa bark can be left in the aquarium as additional food or hiding place for crustaceans and shrimp, or it can be discarded. If you are using catappa bark in addition to catappa leaves, take this into account when determining the dosage. Catappa bark can be kept indefinitely if kept in a dry place. Since it is a purely natural product, there may be changes in shape, color and size.


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