MICROBE-LIFT Nite-Out II 473 ml

SKU: 001198

MICROBE-LIFT / Nite-Out II is specially designed for aquarium water containing marine life. The highly specialized nitrification crop microbial consortium is specifically designed to remove ammonia through a natural biological process called nitrification. The cultures contained in MICROBE-LIFT / Nite-Out II will create, promote or stabilize and maintain nitrification in the aquarium water, eliminating the toxic effect of ammonia. The nitrifying liquid bacteria MICROBE-LIFT / Nite-Out II contain selected strains of Nitrosomonas, Nitrospira and Nitrobacter. Nitrosomonas oxidizes ammonia to nitrite and Nitrobacter and Nitrospira oxidize nitrite to nitrates.  ...More

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MICROBE-LIFT / Nite-Out II contains selected microorganisms that are autotrophic - can use carbon dioxide as the sole source of carbon - and are relatively slow-growing, requiring special conditions for optimal growth with typical cell division rates of 8 to 16 hours. Their efficiency and rate increase are influenced by the environmental parameters required for nitrification.


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