Seachem PhosGuard 500ml

SKU: 000168

PhosGuard™ rapidly removes phosphate and silicate from marine and freshwater aquaria. Although PhosGuard™ is effective in both fresh and marine water, it will operate better in sea water and the need for it is better defined in sea water. It is not recommended for phosphate buffered freshwater (PhosGuard™ would remove the buffer until saturated). PhosGuard™ is highly porous and bead-shaped to promote easy water ?ow through and around it, thereby increasing both its efficiency and capacity.  ...More

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May generate heat on initial contact with water. Pre-wet by adding to a double volume of freshwater, followed by a rinse. For best results, PhosGuard™ should be rinsed before use and placed so as to maximize the flow of water through it but not so that it tumbles against itself in flow. It may be used in a canister filter, media chamber, box filter, or any high flow area of a trickle filter. Use of a filter bag is recommended. Use 85 mL (1/3 cup) for every 200 L (50 US gallons) saltwater or 400 L (100 US gallons) freshwater. Leave product in place for 4 days, then test phosphate or silicate concentrations with either MultiTest™ Phosphate or MultiTest™ Silicate. If the concentration of the component you are trying to decrease has not dropped to around 0.02 mg/L, then replace the PhosGuard™, otherwise leave in place until levels begin to climb again. As long as concentrations remain under control, the product is not exhausted.


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