Blau Mini Lumina RGB+W 30

SKU: 073507

The combination of white LEDs with RGB LEDs allows to have an optimal full spectrum for the growth of aquarium plants. Compact and powerful lamp. The RGB + technology consists of the use of RGB LEDs (three colors: red, green and blue in a single LED) and their combination with specific white LEDs in the case of the fresh water version and Royal Blue, Blue and violet in the marine version.Thanks in the RGB+W system you can adjust the color of your aquarium without losing the power of the light.
Built-in 4-channel controller
It allows setting the power and optimal color for each aquarium.
The configuration will be saved and maintained even if the power is cut, the light is turned off or a timer is used.  ...More

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Power: 24w
Measures: 300x78x16 mm
Lumen: 2642


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