CaribSea Florida Crushed Coral 4,54kg
CaribSea Florida Crushed Coral is a bright white natural substrate of excellent quality, ideal for reef building. Without chemical additives, the mineral properties of aragonite improve the functioning of the aquarium. With aragonite sand from CaribSea you create the starting point for a healthy ecosystem in which aquarium inhabitants can develop in all their glory. Substrates mixed with some larger pieces of reef sand and small shells reproduce the typical "pebble/tidal zone" of Caribbean reefs. The highly porous aragonite is available in various grain sizes, with the smallest grains being less than a millimeter in size. These tiny grains of sand offer the great advantage of a larger surface area for bacterial colonization than other sands, making them unbeatable in reducing nitrates, nitrites and ammonia. Experts repeatedly emphasize the importance of aragonite as a substrate. Aragonite also comes into play in your tank as soon as the pH value drops below 8.2, the value of natural seawater. This is because when the water becomes acidic, the substrate dissolves, releasing minerals and trace elements such as calcium, strontium, magnesium and iodine. Corals absolutely need these substances to form their skeleton. The pH value returns to normal and your aquarium remains stable. All natural and without chemical additives. This is one of the many advantages of aragonite. ...More
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