Nature4Pets Lotus Pods XXL 9-12cm

SKU: 073630

Lotus pods give the water a brown color and are therefore suitable for creating a black water habitat. They are a natural decoration for your aquarium, imitating the natural environment of shrimp and fish. The pods are full of tannins that have many positive effects and naturally reduce the pH of the water. These substances also work antibacterially and reduce stress. The pods have many small burrows where shrimp can hide and find food. A beautiful, natural decoration for your aquarium that imitates the natural environment of shrimp and fish.  ...More

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Before use, we recommend boiling the lotus pods for 40 minutes. While boiling, place a stone or other heavy object on the lotus pods. Finally, soak them in water overnight, again under a heavy object. This is to minimize the pods' ability to float. It's a bit of work, but your aquarium is guaranteed to have a beautiful, natural decoration after this.


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